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survive    Aussprache  加入生词本  
vt. 获护。维护。存。抚养。赡养。vr.幸存。存活。
receive, get, obtain, preserve, maintain, survive
  1. "I trust," said I, laughing, "that my judgment may survive the ordeal. (Quelle: Projekt Gutenberg)
  2. If that single economic space is to survive and thrive, it must be embedded in a more inclusive social texture - made up of shared values and institutional practices that reflect broader social needs. (Quelle: Die Zeit 2001)
  3. Some things will survive in the 21st century- such as man's yearning for stability, solidarity, fair and reliable conditions- and for a place to call "home". (Quelle: Die Zeit 2001)


双立人(Zwilling) 中国刀 29.67

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